Monday, December 31, 2012

Sample Position Paper-2

Name: Mannat Malik
School: The Heritage School, Gurgaon
Country: Colombia
Committee: UNICEF
Topic: Children and Terrorism
Child Terrorism is a highly atrocious act,unfortunately this is a major development age and children are educated to act with emotions such as insensitivity, and to show a series of harsh behavior on humanity. Colombia holds a history of formation of powerful terrorist groups which still exist and remain strengthy like FARC-EP & ELN and fully support the recruitment of children, 300 cases of recruitment were reported in 29 out of the 32 departments, and the number of children who were not reported remains indefinite.Girls are appointed for sexual exploitation or domestic work while the boys are turned into child soldiers or domestic workers; deadly measures are taken against the children if they are caught escaping or refuse to work.A few children see terrorism as an escape to their dissatisfying lives, children belonging to economically depressed families or being abused in various ways volunteer to join, while some are abducted or offered to join these groups. The inclusion of children in an armed group for any type of work is recognized as a crime and is punished under the criminal code of Colombia.
Colombia has ratified the Cape Town Principles, it has also ratified and endorsed the Paris Commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or armed groups and has also been a part of the international coalition to stop the use of children as soldiers. The committee on the Rights of Child considered Colombia’s third periodic report on the convention of the rights of child. Colombia in order to prevent these activities started the demobilization process in which hundreds of children were demobilized. Appreciable amount of improvement has been made by the government to weaken the armed groups thus stopping the recruitment of children, many awareness campaigns have been launched by the government & NGOs. Earlier a document was published designed to work with government strategies, focusing on the issue of recruitment and use of children by armed groups, the government has also launched programs and activities like “Protection of Children and Adolescents Demobilized from Armed Groups Operating outside the Law”, the “Mine Action Program” and the “Inter-agency Recruitment Prevention Commission” continue their ventures and is also initiating other countries to take similar measures.
The issue is of paramount importance and remains a top priority. Potent methods of prevention shall be brought about worldwide as soon as possible. Awareness plays a major role as a number of children who volunteer to join the armed groups are unconscious of the harm it is going to cause them, and how legally wrong it is. Making them acknowledged of the fact would definitely suppress their choice of joining these groups therefore maximum number of campaigns should be launched, schools should also organize workshops etc. making the children more aware.
To help the current victims, DDR (disarmament, demobilization & reintegration) programs should repeatedly take place with all the three steps of disarmament, demobilization & reintegration executing properly. Pleasant results have been witnessed in Colombia Majorly affected areas must keep the DDR process active and if it is worked out properly with full care and concentration then the problem can be cleared out with full satisfaction of the child’s mental and physical state.


Name: Mannat Malik
School: The Heritage School, Gurgaon
Country: Colombia
Committee: UNICEF
Topic: Children and HIV/AIDS

AIDS has been rapidly spreading all over the world and has not only affected elders but children too, directly or indirectly. Around 2, 30,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS in Colombia. Majorly the problem has been spreading because of the lack of awareness, usually in backward or underdeveloped areas. The armed conflict in Colombia is also contributing to the flourishing of AIDS. Children are often disowned or abandoned if they are found HIV positive, therefore the treatments never take place due to lack of economical and moral support or because of the absence of guidance. Many children are also indirectly affected in Colombia as in most cases the main bread winner of the family is suffering through AIDS and usually the pressure of earning is put onto the child, which leads to the withdrawal from school, basically missing out on education and causes additional mental stress at a very young age. When deaths of parents or guardians are caused by HIV then the child is refused shelter in the homes of relatives or family friends as they are disinterested in assisting the childor are unable to provide children with their necessities.

Colombia holds the potential of producing antiretroviral drugs, which are by far most important in curing the disease. Colombia is making numerous efforts on beginning the manufacturing of these drugs in the country as the scope of growth definitely exists, and Colombia should be seen as a potential producer. As soon as we meet the right requirements the production will start and will not only aid Colombia but through trading it will also help people in other countries to have a chance to treat themselves. Till now trading of antiretroviral drugs has been on in the country and the people of Colombia have access to these drugs. Colombia in an effort to clear out the disease made the antiretroviral drugs free for people with low income and initiated other countries to do the same.

Awareness plays an important role, as many children and adolescents have HIV/AIDS because of the lack of awareness about the transmission of the disease. Workshops on HIV/AIDS should be made compulsory in schools informing children about the mechanisms of HIV/AIDS transmission and how people who are suffering through the disease should be treated. If children are aware about the preventions of HIV/AIDS then the situation amongst children &adolescents can definitely be improved and we also must initiate them to spread and make others also aware.

The antiretroviral drugs have been appreciated worldwide, HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) has been adapted by many people although some people still consider it a bit unsafe & impotent for children which is not true, as a research tells that 81% of children who got the treatment done, recovered & survived, while to the others it did not prove much effective and deaths were also caused but not because of the treatment, therefore this treatment should be made popular amongst children and adolescents respective of the facts of how safe and effective it is.


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